お米ジェラート – 寒河江市




Rice Gelato -Unique gelato filled with wonder-
@Sakuranbo-Kaikan, Cherry Land Sagae

Can you guess what flavor is the white gelato?
It is お米ジェラート(Rice Gelato) 🌾🍨(300 yen! cheap!) Actually Yamagata Pref is placed fourth in the ranking of the amount of the production of rice in Japan. Haenuki(はえぬき) is very popular and familiar to all Japan.
You may not be able to guess its texture or flavor. For me, it was really milk-taste. Soft and Sweet. Of course, you can enjoy the solid texture which rice has. It is such a unique and wonderful gelato. This shop sells so many kinds of gelato, so I’m sure that you may be able to find your favorites!
(The gray gelato is 胡麻ジェラート/sesame gelato.I love it as well 👍😁) .

Adress: Yakuwa-Kawahara 919-8 Sagte-sity Yamagata Pref.
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/aBzmb2Y6pxN2
TEL: 0237-86-1818
Open: 9:00-18:00 (in winter, this will be subject to the weather)