慈恩宗本山慈恩寺 – 寒河江市

《1300年の歴史が生きる 慈恩宗本山慈恩寺》


《The Jion Temple》
This temple has a long history. It was founded according to the command from the Shomu Emperor in 746, and named as a national historical site in October 2014. In the buildings, cultural assets designated by the nation, the prefecture or the city are displayed, such as sculptures and paintings.
Also, various events are held at the Jion temple throughout a year.
Visit this hidden historical spot and experience traditional Japanese culture in Sagae!


🇵🇹Jion templo foi feito por que Imperador Shomu mandou-o, por isso este templo tem história muito longe. Isto foi escolhido como monumento japonês em outubro no ano de 2014.

🇫🇷《Le Temple Jion》
C’est un temple ancien. Ce temple a été fondé par le Empereur Shomu en 746.
Dans les bâtiments, des biens culturels, par exemple des sculptures et des peintures, se trouvent. Il y a aussi beaucoup de fêtes toute l’année dans le Temple Jion. Visiter là à trouver la culture traditionelle au Japon!

〒990-0511 山形県寒河江市大字慈恩寺地籍31番地

Basic info
Open hours →8:30-16:00 (every day)
Entrance fee →500 yen each (300 yen each for a group of more than 13 people)
31 Jion Temple, Oji, Sagae city, Yagmagata 990-0511, Japan
Official website:
